By @Maryam Dodhy for Techjuice
Usage of technology as an enabler is the way to go forward. If we look around ourselves, we will find a great number of examples where usage of technology has made our lives so much more easier.

Long gone are the days when people had to spend days upon days searching the Bakra Mandi for the perfect animal. Sacrificial animals are being sold online making this task hassle free. However, the concept isn’t entirely new. This practice has been around for a few years now. People have been putting sacrificial animal for sale ads on social media and OLX but on a limited scale. QurbaniOnline is a site specifically geared for this task.

The online sale of animals is expected to rise this year. People at say that they sold 67,000 animals in 2013 and 75,000 animals in 2014 and that number is expected to rise up to 100,000 this year. These online sites make purchase easy for those of us scared to hunt markets. Here you are expected to find a goat for about Rs. 23,000 and a cow for a little over 72,000.

Now this article is not focused on the online forums that will help you find the right bakra but rather on why the need has arise for such forums to exist and how Pakistan is gradually moving towards a digital future. If you compare your life now to what it was a decade ago, you’ll probably think our lives have become fast-paced and very technology-oriented. Everything has gone electronic and its catalyst is a sudden boom of technology. Back up a few years, how many laptops (and other smart gadgets) did you have in your house then? How many do you have now? There lies your answer. Everything is a click away. Want to buy some clothes? Visit an online store. Book your appointmentsonline. Plan your wedding online. Order food, maintenance services – and now sacrificial animals for Eid-ul-Azha.

Long story short, we have an online alternative of everything now. Don’t feel like getting out of the house? Order online. And there’s nothing bad about this trend either. If there’s anything it’s doing, it’s making lives easier. So, don’t ask why do we need an online alternative of everything, the question you should be asking is why didn’t we think of this before? The answer is because we weren’t as technology-friendly as we are now. These days, a Pakistani household that has at least one member pursuing higher education will have an abundance of smart gadgets. Naturally, these people will use such websites to make their life easier. This trend will only grow and is a reminder of the fact of how fast Pakistan is moving towards a digital future.

As seen on TV and Newspaper